
Outstanding academic programming preparing students for high school and beyond; research-based curriculum materials implemented in small groups with instruction that is differentiated for students’ levels.


Comprehensive programs in music, art, physical education, Spanish, outdoor classroom, and library; students have enrichment classes daily.


Intramural sports for grades 3-5; competitive sports for grades 6-8 where students compete against other schools in the Metro Atlanta Athletic Conference.

Current athletics that we offer are: Cross Country, Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer, Tennis, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball


A variety of options are available for families who need their children on campus past regular dismissal times.

Homework Time |  Students in grades 1-8 may stay for 30-45 minutes right after school to complete their homework. There is no fee.

Clubs & Sports |  Beginning in Kindergarten there are various athletic, artistic, and academic after school activities. See a sample schedule. Fees range from $100-$150 per activity.

Aftercare |  Students of all ages may stay for aftercare until 6pm on either a part-time or full-time basis.  (Sample pricing.)  Aftercare is home-like and includes activities such as puzzles, games, playground time, arts & crafts, etc.

Parent Education

Presentations, book clubs, and coffee events help CV parents learn more about what we do and how they can support their children’s growth and development at home. Parent education allows parents to meet other parents and form friendships and connections in the process.

Learn more at the Cliff Valley Institute.